Since 2010, I am practising craniosacral therapy and before that structural integration, massage and reflexology, iridology and healing. Since forever I have been interested and studied ways into improving health and wellbeing.
Immediately after graduating from Tom Myers Anatomy Trains Course, I stumbled upon craniosacral therapy totally by accident. A client came for structural integration with a restricting degenerative condition. This limited the areas available for me to work. While contemplating my predicament with hands on, changes in the tissues under my hands was happening and I followed the unwind to completion. The client reported relief. Following this experience I was perplexed and after research was informed it was a cranial release and I was on the course within a couple of months and never looked back. Above all, I am always amazed how gentle the treatment is and how powerful it can be all at once .
Our bodies work around held experiences until the load becomes too great and that’s when we develop symptoms. It is this special connection that fascinates me, the physical and emotional relief experienced when your body releases tension.
I love the directness and simplicity of craniosacral therapy to unburden ourselves of these old experiences that are no longer helpful to us.
As well as working towards long term wellness care, my particular interest is to focus on stress relief to improve health and wellness in a relaxed treatment session.
My qualifications as well as classes I have taken include:-
Beyond that I love being at my allotment and making things:- sewing something, upcycling stuff or sanding something else I have come across. Maybe not the sanding so much but after the sanding is done.